Promoting STEM Education to women in the most marginalised communities by providing exposure to the STEM field and bursting various myths/stereotypes that exist in society.
We as Antariksha India (NGO) and Unlocking Humankind (NGO) from Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh collaborated together and shortlisted five brilliant underprivileged girl students studying in five different government schools of Varanasi district in Uttar Pradesh for the Girls in Space program conducted by SSERD and GENEX Space, Bangalore.
Students’ name are as Follows:
1. Shraddha Dubey
2. Kunjal Saroj
3. Aayushi Patel
4. Tamanna Yadav
5. Sakshi Patel
After shortlisting the students, they attended two weeks of virtual sessions on various topics like Aeronautics, Aerospace, Astronomy, Rocketry etc and after that they had been called for Industrial visit and two days Hands on training Programme on various activities like Night Star gazing, Rocketry at SSERD and GENEX Space, Bangalore.
Here Antariksha India taken care the Expanses (Registration fees, Traveling Expanses and Accommodation charges) for two students where Humankind taken care for three students